donderdag 24 juli 2014

Blue Eyes

The picture on the left was taken in natural light.
The picture on the right was taken in artifical light. 

This look will draw the attention to your eyes and is very easy to create. 
As you can see, I'm only wearing some foundation and eye makeup. I don't wear lip stick, because it will distract the attention from my eyes. And also, too much makeup will make you look like a little clown and we don't want that, do we?

So, I started with a white eyepencil, which I applied directly underneath my eye. This will make your eyes look bigger. Then I took some eyeshadow to highlight my eyebrows and the upper side of my eye. 
I applied the blue shadow on my eyelid, just using my finger and above I put some light brown eye shadow to create some depth. When I finished that, I grabbed my blue eyepencil, which matches the blue eyeshadow perfectly and put it around my eye. And there you go. Easy as that. 
I also use eyebrow powder, because otherwise it will look like I have no eyebrows at all, since mine are very light. 

I like this one, because it is a simple one and you will still stand out. 
I also love bright colors for the summer.


MH 17

They will come home in the following days.
Such a tragedy. I'm so sorry for all their loved ones.
MH 17,
Rest in peace

First Nail Art Attempt Ever

I bought dis. I had this vision in my head that my nails would look really shiny and eventually glow in the dark. I have not tried the glow in the dark top coat yet, but I will soon.
The other one appears to be transparant. It does not completely cover your nail, but it has a few big glitters in it and the rest is transparant. A bit of a disappointment when you'll expect glitter all over your fingernail.

Some people can create amazing things with their nails. This was my first attempt to do some nail art and it failed. I cannot even show you what my nails look like, it was a complete disaster and it looked waaay better in my head.

first attempt to do nail art: FAILED.

maandag 14 juli 2014

Just another day


I graduated !!


My diploma represents seven years of super hard work. I had never expected to hold it one day, since I stopped going to school in fourth grade and did everything on my own ever since. It felt surreal to finally hold it and I found closure to a very hard period of my life. After I got the call that told me I graduated, my biggest worry was: "What should I wear?" Today, I still cannot believe that I succeeded.

On the graduation party itself, everybody had to step forward and then your mentor would tell the audience something about you. I was scared they would make fun of the years that I did not go to school, but they told me the opposite. My mentor spoke beautiful words and I had to hold my tears :$.
Now that I have my diploma, I'm planning on going to law school. It's not sure whether I get in, but  frankly, I am not worried too much. I have closure and that's all that matters right now.

vrijdag 4 juli 2014

I will wear them!

By Primark

Oh yesssss! I own them for a year now and I am still getting happy when looking at them. 
Yeah, looking at them, because I can't actually walk properly on them. They are the highest pair of heels that I own with their 15 centimeters. I look like a giant when I put them on. I have always been a small girl, so it is like seeing the world from a different angle. I just need a little more practise before I am going to show them off in public. I know that it has been a year, but who cares ? 
Eventually I will do it, no matter how many years it will take.